Celebrate the Center Donations DUE
February 15
Celebrate the Center is the annual fundraising event that benefits the Vanderburgh 4-H Center. The theme this year is
“Diamonds and Denim”. It will include a steak dinner and both silent and live auctions.
The Extension Homemakers have been long time supporters of the Center. Throughout the years, Extension Homemaker clubs and individual members have attended the event as well as donated items to be used for the auctions. We are asking 4-H Clubs/Extension Homemakers to consider supporting this event by donating an item, themed basket, gift certificate, etc. to the Silent Auction.
The items can be delivered to the 4-H Center Office, and are due by February 15, 2025
For question, please contact Co-Chair, Beth Schmitt at 812-550-3487, Co-Chair, Rhonda Klueg-Slater at 812-459-4662 or Martha Alle at 812-760-5810.